Bachelor of Science Program in Physical Therapy

Faculty of Health Science
Faculty of Physical Therapy

Databases ( 10 )

  • Access Medicine
  • CINAHL Complete
  • ClinicalKey
  • Sage Journals
  • ScienceDirect: eBooks
  • Scopus
  • SDGO (Sustainable Development Goals Online) [NEW]
  • SpringerLink: Journals
  • Taylor & Francis Online: Sport, Leisure & Tourism
  • UpToDate [ไม่เปิดบริการผ่าน CL OpenAthens / วิธีลงทะเบียนใช้งาน]

Open Access ( 11 )

  • CMAJ Open: Canadian Medical Association Journal
  • DOAB: Directory of Open Access Books
  • DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journal
  • Free Medical Journals
  • Journal of the Medical Association of Thailand
  • JSTOR Open Content
  • Medknow
  • MedlinePlus
  • PLOS: Public Library of Science
  • PubMed
  • PubMed Central: PMC

eBooks ( 0 )

    eJournals ( 4 )

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