ASCE Library

รายชื่อวารสารที่ห้องสมุดบอกรับประจำปี 2021 จำนวน 37 ชื่อ

** CL OpenAthens (คลิกเพื่อเข้าใช้ eResources ของห้องสมุด ทั้งการใช้จากภายในหรือนอกเครือข่ายมหาวิทยาลัย)

1 ASCE-ASME Journal of Risk and Uncertainty in Engineering Systems, Part A: Civil Engineering 2015-present 2376-7642 n/a Click Here
2 International Journal of Geomechanics 2001-present 1943-5622 1532-3641 Click Here
3 Journal of Aerospace Engineering 1988-present 1943-5525 0893-1321 Click Here
4 Journal of Architectural Engineering 1995-present 1943-5568 1076-0431 Click Here
5 Journal of Bridge Engineering 1996-present 1943-5592 1084-0702 Click Here
6 Journal of Cold Regions Engineering 1987-present 1943-5495 0887-381X Click Here
7 Journal of Composites for Construction 1997-present 1943-5614 1090-0268 Click Here
8 Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering 1987-present 1943-5487 0887-3801 Click Here
9 Journal of Construction Engineering and Management 1983-present 1943-7862 0733-9364 Click Here
10 Journal of Energy Engineering 1983-present 1943-7897 0733-9402 Click Here
11 Journal of Engineering Mechanics 1983-present 1943-7889 0733-9399 Click Here
12 Journal of Environmental Engineering 1983-present 1943-7870 0733-9372 Click Here
13 Journal of Geotechnical & Geoenvironmental Engineering 1983-present 1943-5606 1090-0241 Click Here
14 Journal of Hazardous, Toxic, and Radioactive Waste 1997-present 2153-5515 2153-5493 Click Here
15 Journal of Highway and Transportation Research and Development, English Edition 2006 - present 2095-6215 n/a Click Here
16 Journal of Hydraulic Engineering 1983-present 1943-7900 0733-9429 Click Here
17 Journal of Hydrologic Engineering 1996-present 1943-5584 1084-0699 Click Here
18 Journal of Infrastructure Systems 1995-present 1943-555X 1076-0342 Click Here
19 Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering 1983-present 1943-4774 0733-9437 Click Here
20 Journal of Legal Affairs and Dispute Resolution in Engineering and Construction 2009-present 1943-4170 1943-4162 Click Here
21 Journal of Management in Engineering 1985-present 1943-5479 0742-597X Click Here
22 Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering 1989-present 1943-5533 0899-1561 Click Here
23 Journal of Nanomechanics and Micromechanics 2011-2017 2153-5477 2153-5434 Click Here
24 Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities 1987-present 1943-5509 0887-3828 Click Here
25 Journal of Pipeline Systems Engineering and Practice 2010-present 1949-1204 1949-1190 Click Here
26 Journal of Professional Issues in Engineering Education & Practice 1983-present 1943-5541 1052-3928 Click Here
27 Journal of Structural Engineering 1983-present 1943-541X 0733-9445 Click Here
28 Journal of Surveying Engineering 1983-present 1943-5428 0733-9453 Click Here
29 Journal of Sustainable Water in the Built Environment 2015-present 2379-6111 n/a Click Here
30 Journal of Transportation Engineering, Part A: Systems 1983-present 2473-2893 2473-2907 Click Here
31 Journal of Transportation Engineering, Part B: Pavements 2017-present 2573-5438 n/a Click Here
32 Journal of Urban Planning and Development 1983-present 1943-5444 0733-9488 Click Here
33 Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management 1983-present 1943-5452 0733-9496 Click Here
34 Journal of Waterway, Port, Coastal and Ocean Engineering 1983-present 1943-5460 0733-950X Click Here
35 Leadership and Management in Engineering 2001-2013 1943-5630 1532-6748 Click Here
36 Natural Hazards Review 2000-present 1527-6996 1527-6988 Click Here
37 Practice Periodical on Structural Design and Construction 1996-present 1943-5576 1084-0680 Click Here