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Subject 1Subject 2TitleAuthorYeareISBNPreview
Humanities & Social Sciences 88 ชื่อ
Classical Studies Ancient Philosophy Aristotle, Plato and Pythagoreanism in the First Century BC: NewDirections for Philosophy Schofield 2021 9781139096713 Click Here
Economics Microeconomics Behavioral Rationality and Heterogeneous Expectations in Complex Economic Systems Hommes 2021 9781139094276 Click Here
Economics International Economics Community Capitalism in China: The State, the Market, and Collectivism Hou 2021 9781139343749 Click Here
Economics Economic Development and Growth The Limits of Institutional Reform in Development: Changing Rules for Realistic Solutions Andrews 2021 9781139060974 Click Here
Economics Labour Economics The Shadow Economy: An International Survey Schneider/Enste 2021 9781139542289 Click Here
Education Education,History, Theory Educational Leadership: Together Creating Ethical Learning Environments Duignan 2012 9781139197045 Click Here
Education Education,History, Theory Literacies Kalantzis/Cope 2012 9781139196581 Click Here
Education Education,History, Theory New Learning:Elements of a Science of Education Kalantzis/Cope 2008 9780511811951 Click Here
Education Education,History, Theory Young Children and the Environment: Early Education for Sustainability Davis 2010 9780511845390 Click Here
English Literature English Literature: General Interest Time and Literature Edited by Thomas M. Allen 2018 9781108381697 Click Here
General Humanities, General Delivering Research Data Management Services Pryor/Jones/Whyte 2013 9781783300242 Click Here
History Asian Studies, History of Ideas and Intellectual History, South-East Asian History A History of Manners and Civility in Thailand Jory 2021 9781108868006 Click Here
History East Asian History, Area Studies, Asian Studies, History, Economic History The Economic History of China : From Antiquity to the Nineteenth Century NEW Richard Von Glahn 2016 9781139343848 Click Here
History Cross Discipline History of Ideas and Intellectual History From Humanism to Hobbes: Studies in Rhetoric and Politics Skinner 2018 9781316415559 Click Here
History Cross Discipline Economic History The Foundations of Worldwide Economic Integration: Power, Institutions, and Global Markets, 1850-1930 Dejung/Petersson 2012 9781139343220 Click Here
Language and Linguistics Psycholinguistics and Neurolinguistics Awareness and Control in Sociolinguistic Research Edited by Anna M. Babel 2016 9781139680448 Click Here
Language and Linguistics Psycholinguistics and Neurolinguistics Case Studies in Communication Disorders Cummings 2016 9781316651100 Click Here
Language and Linguistics Asian Language and Linguistics Communicating with Asia: The Future of English as a Global Language Edited by Gerhard Leitner, Azirah Hashim, Hans-Georg Wolf 2016 9781107477186 Click Here
Language and Linguistics Sociolinguistics Communication Accommodation Theory: Negotiating Personal Relationships and Social Identities across Contexts Edited by Howard Giles 2016 9781316226537 Click Here
Language and Linguistics Applied Linguistics, Education, History, Theory Creating Effective Blended Language Learning Courses Mizza/Rubio 2020 9781108355285 Click Here
Language and Linguistics Sociolinguistics Dialect Matters: Respecting Vernacular Language Peter Trudgill 2016 9781316418109 Click Here
Language and Linguistics Phonetics and Phonology Dimensions of Phonological Stress Edited by Jeffrey Heinz, Rob Goedemans, Harry van der Hulst 2016 9781316212745 Click Here
Language and Linguistics Discourse Analysis Discourse and Knowledge: A Sociocognitive Approach Dijk 2014 9781107775404 Click Here
Language and Linguistics Discourse Analysis Discourse-Pragmatic Variation and Change in English: New Methods and Insights Edited by Heike Pichler 2016 9781107295476 Click Here
Language and Linguistics English Language and Linguistics: General Interest Engaging your Community through Active Strategic Marketing Kendrick 2021 9781783303854 Click Here
Language and Linguistics Cognitive Linguistics, Semantics and Pragmatics Extended Conceptual Metaphor Theory K & vecses 2020 9781108859127 Click Here
Language and Linguistics Applied Linguistics First Exposure to a Second Language: Learners' Initial Input Processing Han/Rast 2014 9781139084390 Click Here
Language and Linguistics Phonetics and Phonology Intonation and Prosodic Structure Caroline Féry 2016 9781139022064 Click Here
Language and Linguistics Psycholinguistics and Neurolinguistics Introducing Language and Cognition: A Map of the Mind Michael Sharwood Smith 2016 9781316591505 Click Here
Language and Linguistics Cognitive Linguistics Language and Time: A Cognitive Linguistics Approach Evans 2013 9781107340626 Click Here
Language and Linguistics Applied Linguistics Language Learning and the Brain: Lexical Processing in Second Language Acquisition Ulf Schütze 2016 9781316665619 Click Here
Language and Linguistics Sociolinguistics Language Maintenance and Shift Anne Pauwels 2016 9781107338869 Click Here
Language and Linguistics Research Methods in Linguistics Mixed Methods: Interviews, Surveys, and Cross-Cultural Comparisons Robert W. Schrauf 2016 9781316544914 Click Here
Language and Linguistics Semantics and Pragmatics Modality and Propositional Attitudes Michael Hegarty 2016 9781316084434 Click Here
Language and Linguistics Applied Linguistics ; ELT Applied Linguistics ; Books for Teachers Multilingual Education NEW Jasone Cenoz & Durk Gortler 2015 9781009024655 Click Here
Language and Linguistics Semantics and Pragmatics Politeness, Impoliteness and Ritual: Maintaining the Moral Order in Interpersonal Interaction Dániel Z. Kádár 2017 9781107280465 Click Here
Language and Linguistics Semantics and Pragmatics Pragmatic Markers in British English: Meaning in Social Interaction Kate Beeching 2016 9781139507110 Click Here
Language and Linguistics Semantics and Pragmatics Semantics for Counting and Measuring Susan Rothstein 2017 9780511734830 Click Here
Language and Linguistics Sociolinguistics Sociolinguistics:Theoretical Debates Edited by Nikolas Coupland 2016 9781107449787 Click Here
Language and Linguistics Phonetics and Phonology Sounds Fascinating: Further Observations on English Phonetics and Phonology J. C. Wells 2016 9781316662342 Click Here
Language and Linguistics Sociolinguistics Teen Talk: The Language of Adolescents Sali A. Tagliamonte 2016 9781139583800 Click Here
Language and Linguistics Grammar and Syntax The Cambridge Handbook of Areal Linguistics Edited by Raymond Hickey 2017 9781107279872 Click Here
Language and Linguistics Cognitive Linguistics The Cambridge Handbook of Cognitive Linguistics Edited by Barbara Dancygier 2017 9781316339732 Click Here
Language and Linguistics Semantics and Pragmatics The Cambridge Handbook of Formal Semantics Edited by Maria Aloni, Paul Dekker 2016 9781139236157 Click Here
Language and Linguistics Research Methods in Linguistics The Cambridge Handbook of Linguistic Typology Edited by Alexandra Y. Aikhenvald, R. M. W. Dixon 2017 9781316135716 Click Here
Language and Linguistics Morphology The Cambridge Handbook of Morphology Edited by Andrew Hippisley, Gregory Stump 2016 9781139814720 Click Here
Language and Linguistics Stylistics The Cambridge Handbook of Stylistics Stockwell/Whiteley 2014 9781139237031 Click Here
Language and Linguistics Morphology The Semantics of Compounding Edited by Pius ten Hacken 2016 9781316163122 Click Here
Language and Linguistics Linguistic Anthropology, Sociolinguistics Voices of Modernity Bauman/Briggs 2003 9780511486647 Click Here
Language and Linguistics English Language and Linguistics: General Interest Women Talk More Than Men: ... And Other Myths about Language Explained Abby Kaplan 2016 9781316027141 Click Here
Law American Government, Politics and Policy, American Studies, Constitutional and Administrative Law, Socio-Legal Studies Commercial Speech as Free Expression Redish 2021 9781108277563 Click Here
Law Socio-Legal Studies Equality in Education Law and Policy, 1954-2010 Superfine 2012 9781139061797 Click Here
Law Environmental Law Green Governance: Ecological Survival, Human Rights, and the Law of the Commons Weston/Bollier 2012 9781139540582 Click Here
Management Marketing Principles and Practice of Social Marketing: An International Perspective Donovan/Henley 2010 9780511761751 Click Here
Management Management The Business of Corporate Learning: Insights from Practice Ben-Hur 2012 9781139208789 Click Here
Philosophy Classical Philosophy Explorations in Ancient and Modern Philosophy Burnyeat 2011 9780511974069 Click Here
Philosophy Logic Logicism and its Philosophical Legacy Demopoulos 2012 9781139342605 Click Here
Philosophy Philosophy of Mind and Language The Cambridge Handbook of Cognitive Science Frankish/Ramsey 2012 9781139033916 Click Here
Philosophy History of Philosophy The Evolution of Modern Metaphysics: Making Sense of Things Moore 2011 9781139029223 Click Here
Politics and International Relations Comparative Politics, Religion: General Interest, Social Theory Sacred and Secular NEW Norris/Inglehart 2012 9780511894862 Click Here
Politics and International Relations Political Theory Beyond Church and State: Democracy, Secularism, and Conversion Scherer 2012 9781139199261 Click Here
Politics and International Relations Political Theory Democratizing Global Climate Governance Stevenson/Dryzek 2014 9781139208628 Click Here
Politics and International Relations International Relations and International Organisations Human Rights in International Relations Forsythe 2011 9781139059114 Click Here
Politics and International Relations Political Economy Inequality and Democratization: An Elite-Competition Approach Ansell/Samuels 2014 9780511843686 Click Here
Politics and International Relations International Relations and International Organisations International Law and International Relations: An International Organization Reader Simmons/Steinberg 2007 9780511808760 Click Here
Politics and International Relations Political Theory Machiavelli and the Modern State: The Prince, the Discourses on Livy, and the Extended Territorial Republic Ardito 2015 9781107447691 Click Here
Politics and International Relations Political Theory Modern Pluralism: Anglo-American Debates Since 1880 Bevir 2012 9781139084451 Click Here
Politics and International Relations East Asian Government, Politics and Policy Social Organizations and the Authoritarian State in China Hildebrandt 2012 9781139108768 Click Here
Politics and International Relations Political Theory The Foundations of Deliberative Democracy: Empirical Research and Normative Implications Steiner 2012 9781139057486 Click Here
Politics and International Relations Comparative Politics Why Governments and Parties Manipulate Elections: Theory, Practice, and Implications Simpser 2012 9781139343824 Click Here
Psychology Educational Psychology Adaptive Technologies for Training and Education Durlach/Lesgold 2011 9781139049580 Click Here
Psychology Developmental Psychology Childhood Programs and Practices in the First Decade of Life: A Human Capital Integration Reynolds et al 2010 9780511762666 Click Here
Psychology Educational Psychology Cognitive Load Theory Plass/Moreno/Brünken 2010 9780511844744 Click Here
Psychology Educational Psychology Conceptions of Giftedness Sternberg/Davidson 2005 9780511610455 Click Here
Psychology Educational Psychology Cultural Foundations of Learning: East and West Li 2012 9781139028400 Click Here
Psychology Educational Psychology Enhancing the Quality of Learning: Dispositions, Instruction, and Learning Processes Kirby/Lawson 2012 9781139048224 Click Here
Psychology Educational Psychology Explorations in Giftedness Sternberg/Jarvin/Grigorenko 2010 9780511778049 Click Here
Psychology Educational Psychology Games, Learning, and Society: Learning and Meaning in the Digital Age Steinkuehler/Squire/Barab 2012 9781139031127 Click Here
Psychology Educational Psychology Learning by Expanding: An Activity-Theoretical Approach to Developmental Research Engeström 2014 9781139814744 Click Here
Psychology Developmental Psychology Origins of Possession: Owning and Sharing in Development Rochat 2014 9781139424608 Click Here
Psychology Educational Psychology Reflections on the Learning Sciences Edited by Michael A. Evans, Martin J. Packer, R. Keith Sawyer 2016 9781107707221 Click Here
Psychology Personality Psychology and Individual Differences The Cambridge Handbook of Intelligence Sternberg/Kaufman 2011 9780511977244 Click Here
Psychology Cognition The Cambridge Handbook of Multimedia Learning Mayer 2014 9781139547369 Click Here
Psychology Educational Psychology The Cambridge Handbook of the Learning Sciences Sawyer 2005 9780511816833 Click Here
Psychology Educational Psychology Understanding Education and Educational Research Smeyers/Smith 2014 9780511920714 Click Here
Sociology Political Economy, Social Theory Marx in the Anthropocene NEW Saito 2023 9781108933544 Click Here
Sociology Political Sociology Negativity in Democratic Politics: Causes and Consequences Soroka 2014 9781107477971 Click Here
Sociology Social Theory The Natural Law Foundations of Modern Social Theory: A Quest for Universalism Chernilo 2012 9780511842511 Click Here
Science & Technology 63 ชื่อ
Astronomy Astrophysics Astrophysics for Physicists Arnab Rai Choudhuri 2010 9780511802218 Click Here
Astronomy Observational Astronomy, Techniques and Instrumentation Handbook of X-ray Astronomy Edited by Keith Arnaud, Randall Smith, Aneta Siemiginowska 2011 9781139034234 Click Here
Chemistry Physical Chemistry Crystallization of Polymers Mandelkern 2004 9780511535413 Click Here
Computer Science Programming Languages and Applied Logic Basic Proof Theory Troelstra/Schwichtenberg 2000 9781139168717 Click Here
Computer Science Artificial Intelligence and Natural Language Processing Brain-Computer Interfacing: An Introduction Rao 2013 9781139032803 Click Here
Computer Science Software Engineering and Development Building Parallel, Embedded, and Real-Time Applications with Ada McCormick/Singhoff/Hugues 2011 9780511973345 Click Here
Computer Science Distributed, Networked and Mobile Computing Emerging Wireless Technologies and the Future Mobile Internet Raychaudhuri/Gerla 2011 9780511921117 Click Here
Computer Science Knowledge Management, Databases and Data Mining Foundations of Data Exchange Arenas et al 2014 9781139060158 Click Here
Computer Science Knowledge Management, Databases and Data Mining Recommender Systems: An Introduction Jannach et al 2010 9780511763113 Click Here
Computer Science Communications, Information Theory and Security Security and Game Theory: Algorithms, Deployed Systems, Lessons Learned Tambe 2011 9780511973031 Click Here
Computer Science Software Engineering and Development Software Modeling and Design: UML, Use Cases, Patterns, and Software Architectures Gomaa 2011 9780511779183 Click Here
Earth and Environmental Sciences Solid Earth Geophysics Global Optimization Methods in Geophysical Inversion Sen/Stoffa 2012 9780511997570 Click Here
Engineering Wireless Communications Adaptive Wireless Communications: MIMO Channels and Networks Bliss/Govindasamy 2013 9781139519465 Click Here
Engineering Communications and Signal Processing Advanced Optical Wireless Communication Systems Arnon et al 2012 9780511979187 Click Here
Engineering Materials Science An Introduction to Polymer Physics Bower 2012 9780511801280 Click Here
Engineering Communications and Signal Processing Applied Optimization Methods for Wireless Networks Hou/Shi/Sherali 2014 9781139088466 Click Here
Engineering Materials Science Dendrimers, Dendrons, and Dendritic Polymers: Discovery, Applications, and the Future Tomalia/Christensen/Boas 2012 9781139048859 Click Here
Engineering Materials Science Fundamentals of Polymer-Clay Nanocomposites Beall/Powell 2011 9780511977312 Click Here
Engineering Materials Science Liquid Crystalline Polymers Donald/Windle/Hanna 2006 9780511616044 Click Here
Engineering Materials Science Nonlinear Optical Polarization Analysis in Chemistry and Biology Garth J. Simpson 2017 9781139019026 Click Here
Engineering Materials Science Physical Properties of Polymers Mark et al 2004 9781139165167 Click Here
Engineering Materials Science Polymers at Surfaces and Interfaces Jones/Richards 2010 9780511623196 Click Here
Engineering Wireless Communications Principles of Wireless Sensor Networks Obaidat/Misra 2014 9781139030960 Click Here
Engineering Materials Science The Physics of Deformation and Fracture of Polymers Argon 2013 9781139033046 Click Here
Engineering Materials Science The Science of Polymer Molecules Boyd/Phillips 1993 9780511600326 Click Here
General Science Engineering: General Interest, History of Mathematical Texts, History of Science Elastic Stresses in Structures Castigliano/Andrews 2014 9781107279933 Click Here
Life Sciences Animal Behaviour Behavioural Neuroscience Se aacute;n Commins 2018 9781316221655 Click Here
Life Sciences Ecology and Conservation Defending Biodiversity: Environmental Science and Ethics Jonathan A. Newman, Gary Varner, Stefan Linquist 2017 9781139024105 Click Here
Life Sciences Molecular Biology, Biochemistry, and Structural Biology Feeding and the Texture of Food Vincent/Lillford 1991 9780511600555 Click Here
Life Sciences Plant Sciences Fungal Biology in the Origin and Emergence of Life Moore 2012 9781139524049 Click Here
Life Sciences Biological Anthropology and Primatology Human Identity and Identification Gowland/Thompson 2012 9781139029988 Click Here
Life Sciences Biotechnology Methodologies for Metabolomics: Experimental Strategies and Techniques Lutz/Sweedler/Wevers 2012 9780511996634 Click Here
Life Sciences Neurosciences Nerve and Muscle Keynes/Aidley/Huang 2011 9780511973932 Click Here
Life Sciences Molecular Biology, Biochemistry, and Structural Biology Principles and Techniques of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Wilson/Walker 2005 9780511813412 Click Here
Life Sciences Biotechnology Successful Agricultural Innovation in Emerging Economies: New Genetic Technologies for Global Food Production Bennett/Jennings 2012 9781139208475 Click Here
Life Sciences Ecology and Conservation The Balance of Nature and Human Impact Rohde 2012 9781139095075 Click Here
Mathematics Logic, Categories and Sets The Homotopy Theory of (∞,1)-Categories Julia E. Bergner 2018 9781316181874 Click Here
Mathematics Fluid Dynamics and Solid Mechanics Introduction to Magnetohydrodynamics P. A. Davidson 2016 9781316672853 Click Here
Mathematics Mathematical Modeling and Methods Calculus: Concepts and Methods Binmore/Davies 2002 9780511802997 Click Here
Mathematics Real and Complex Analysis Classical and Multilinear Harmonic Analysis Muscalu/Schlag 2012 9781139410397 Click Here
Physics Cosmology, Relativity and Gravitation An Illustrated Guide to Relativity Takeuchi 2010 9780511779121 Click Here
Physics Theoretical Physics and Mathematical Physics Causality, Measurement Theory and the Differentiable Structure of Space-Time Sen 2010 9780511674761 Click Here
Physics Particle Physics and Nuclear Physics Heavy Quark Physics Manohar/Wise 2000 9780511529351 Click Here
Physics Optics, Optoelectronics and Photonics Introduction to Modern Digital Holography: With Matlab Poon/Liu 2014 9781139061346 Click Here
Physics Computational Science and Modelling Learning Scientific Programming with Python Christian Hill 2016 9781139871754 Click Here
Physics Condensed Matter Physics, Nanoscience and Mesoscopic Physics Magnetism and Magnetic Materials Coey 2009 9780511845000 Click Here
Physics Quantum Physics, Quantum Information and Quantum Computation Quantum Concepts in Physics: An Alternative Approach to the Understanding of Quantum Mechanics Longair 2012 9781139062060 Click Here
Physics Condensed Matter Physics, Nanoscience and Mesoscopic Physics Quantum Scaling in Many-Body Systems: An Approach to Quantum Phase Transitions Mucio Continentino 2017 9781316576854 Click Here
Physics General and Classical Physics The Cambridge Handbook of Physics Formulas Woan 2000 9780511755828 Click Here
Physics and Astronomy Statistical physics, network science and complexity Fractional Diffusion Equations and Anomalous Diffusion Luiz Roberto Evangelista, Ervin Kaminski Lenzi 2018 9781316534649 Click Here
Physics and Astronomy Biological Physics and Soft Matter Physics, Optics,Optoelectronics and Photonics Optical Tweezers Jones/Marag/ograve/Volpe 2015 9781107279711 Click Here
Science and Engineering, Social Sciences Economics, Statistics and Probability Applied Choice Analysis Hensher/Rose/Greene 2015 9781316136232 Click Here
Science and Engineering, Social Sciences Economics, Statistics and Probability Measuring the Economic Value of Research Husbands Fealing et al 2017 9781316671788 Click Here
Science and Engineering, Social Sciences Sociology, Statistics and Probability Mixed Methods Social Networks Research Domínguez/Hollstein 2014 9781139227193 Click Here
Science and Engineering, Social Sciences Psychology, Statistics and Probability Sequential Analysis and Observational Methods for the Behaviora Sciences Bakeman/Quera 2011 9781139017343 Click Here
Science and Engineering, Social Sciences Politics and International Relations, Statistics and Probability Statistical Survey Design and Evaluating Impact Roy/Acharya/Roy 2016 9781316550892 Click Here
Statisticsand Probability Statistical Theory and Methods Case-Control Studies Keogh/Cox 2014 9781139094757 Click Here
Statistics and Probability Statistical Theory and Methods Core Statistics Wood 2015 9781107741973 Click Here
Statistics and Probability Statistics for Social Sciences, Behavioral Sciences and Law Introduction to Data Science for Social and Policy Research: Collecting and Organizing Data with R and Python Jose Manuel Magallanes Reyes 2017 9781316338599 Click Here
Statistics and Probability Statistics for Life Sciences, Medicine and Health Introduction to Statistical Methods for Biosurveillance: With an Emphasis on Syndromic Surveillance Fricker 2012 9781139047906 Click Here
Statistics and Probability Statistics for Life Sciences, Medicine and Health Preventing and Treating Missing Data in Longitudinal Clinical Trials: A Practical Guide Mallinckrodt 2012 9781139381666 Click Here
Statistics and Probability Statistical Theory and Methods Privacy, Big Data, and the Public Good: Frameworks for Engagement Lane et al 2014 9781107590205 Click Here
Statistics and Probability Probability Theory and Stochastic Processes Probability and Statistics by Example Suhov/Kelbert 2014 9781139087773 Click Here
Health Science 8 ชื่อ
Medicine Psychiatry and Clinical Psychology Bipolar II Disorder: Modelling, Measuring and Managing Parker 2012 9781139003315 Click Here
Medicine Epidemiology Public Health and Medical Statistics Essential Public Health: Theory and Practice Gillam/Yates/Badrinath 2012 9781139059442 Click Here
Medicine Pathology and Laboratory Science Human Molecular Biology: An Introduction to the Molecular Basis of Health and Disease Epstein 2002 9780511618130 Click Here
Medicine Epidemiology Public Health and Medical Statistics, Statistics for Life Sciences, Medicine and Health Medical0 Statistics from A to Z Everitt 2021 9781108919739 Click Here
Medicine Medical Law, Ethics and forensic Medicine Research Ethics: A Philosophical Guide to the Responsible Conduct of Research Comstock 2012 9780511902703 Click Here
Medicine Psychiatry and Clinical Psychology The Autism Spectrum: Scientific Foundations and Treatment Reber 2012 9780511978616 Click Here
Medicine Neurology and Clinical Neuroscience The Behavioral and Cognitive Neurology of Stroke Godefroy 2012 9781139058988 Click Here
Medicine Neurology and Clinical Neuroscience The Biology of Multiple Sclerosis Atkins et al 2012 9780511979088 Click Here