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Subject 1Subject 2TitleAuthorYeareISBNPreview
Humanities & Social Sciences 10 ชื่อ
Business and Management Innovation Business Model Innovation Foss & Saebi (eds) 2015 9780191771606 Click Here
Business and Management Organization studies Developing Leaders by Executive Coaching Athanasopoulou & Dopson 2015 9780191761713 Click Here
Business and Management Innovation Leading Sustainable Change Henderson et al (eds) 2015 9780191773242 Click Here
Business and Management Innovation Value Practices in the Life Sciences and Medicine Dussauge et al (eds) 2015 9780191808807 Click Here
Economics and Finance Behavioural Economics Happiness and Economic Growth Clark & Senik (eds) 2015 9780191790744 Click Here
Economics and Finance Public and Welfare Organized Innovation Currall et al 2014 9780199364008 Click Here
Philosophy Philosophy of Mind Self-Knowledge for Humans Cassam 2014 9780191793110 Click Here
Psychology Social Psychology Collective Emotions Von Scheve & Salmella (eds) 2014 9780191772238 Click Here
Psychology Social Psychology The Science of Leadership Barling 2014 9780199372058 Click Here
Psychology Social Psychology The Social Science of Cinema Kaufman & Simonton (eds) 2014 9780199369522 Click Here
Science & Technology 11 ชื่อ
Biology Biomathematics /1/ Complexity Studies Ecological Statistics Fox et al (eds) 2015 9780191796487 Click Here
Biology Biomathematics /1/ Complexity Studies Molecular Evolution Yang 2014 9780191782251 Click Here
Biology Genetics and Genomics ; Biodiversity and Conservation Biology Environmental DNA: For Biodiversity Research and Monitoring NEW Pierre Taberlet ; Aurélie Bonin ; Lucie Zinger ; Eric Coissac 2018 9780198767220 Click Here
Mathematics Probability / Statistics An Introduction to Model-Based Survey Sampling with Applications Chambers & Clark 2012 9780191738449 Click Here
Mathematics Probability / Statistics Bayesian Statistics 9 Bernardo et al (eds) 2012 9780191731921 Click Here
Mathematics Numerical Analysis Numerical Methods for Delay Differential Equations Bellen 2007 9780191709609 Click Here
Mathematics Probability / Statistics Numerical Methods for Nonlinear Estimating Equations Small 2007 9780191709258 Click Here
Mathematics Probability / Statistics Concentration Inequalities Boucheron et al 2013 9780191747106 Click Here
Mathematics Geometry / Topology Differential Geometry Taubes 2013 9780191774911 Click Here
Mathematics Logic /1/ Mathematical Philosophy Simplicity Theory Kim 2014 9780191746512 Click Here
Mathematics Probability / Statistics Statistics and Scientific Method Diggle & Chetwynd 2013 9780191774867 Click Here
Health Science 24 ชื่อ
Biology Disease Ecology / Epidemiology Spatial Analysis in Epidemiology Pfeiffer 2008 9780191709128 Click Here
Public Health and Epidemiology Public Health A Life Course Approach to Chronic Disease Epidemiology Kuh 2009 9780191724039 Click Here
Public Health and Epidemiology Public Health Applied Epidemiology Brownson 2009 9780199864997 Click Here
Public Health and Epidemiology Public Health Concepts of Epidemiology Bhopal 2009 9780191723995 Click Here
Public Health and Epidemiology Public Health Diabetes Public Health Narayan et al (eds) 2011 9780199871544 Click Here
Public Health and Epidemiology Public Health Dissemination and Implementation Research in Health Brownson et al 2012 9780199933242 Click Here
Public Health and Epidemiology Public Health Epidemiology and the Peoples Health Krieger 2011 9780199893607 Click Here
Public Health and Epidemiology Public Health Evaluating Health Promotion Thorogood & Coombes 2010 9780191594427 Click Here
Public Health and Epidemiology Public Health Evidence-Based Public Health Brownson et al 2011 9780199827183 Click Here
Public Health and Epidemiology Public Health Evidence-based Public Health Killoran 2010 9780191722554 Click Here
Public Health and Epidemiology Public Health Global Public Health Beaglehole 2009 9780191724053 Click Here
Public Health and Epidemiology Public Health Health Impact Assessment Kemm 2013 9780191748028 Click Here
Public Health and Epidemiology Public Health Health Impact Assessment Kemm 2009 9780191723889 Click Here
Public Health and Epidemiology Public Health Health Measurement Scales Streiner 2009 9780191724015 Click Here
Public Health and Epidemiology Public Health Health Promotion and the Policy Process Clavier & Leeuw (eds) 2014 9780191765780 Click Here
Public Health and Epidemiology Public Health Health Systems in Low- and Middle-Income Countries Smith & Hanson (eds) 2012 9780191731181 Click Here
Public Health and Epidemiology Public Health Principles & Practice of Public Health Surveillance Lee et al 2010 9780199866090 Click Here
Public Health and Epidemiology Public Health Principles in Health Economics and Policy Olsen 2010 9780191717215 Click Here
Public Health and Epidemiology Public Health Research Methods in Occupational Epidemiology Checkoway 2009 9780199864553 Click Here
Public Health and Epidemiology Public Health Risk, Safety and Clinical Practice Heyman 2010 9780191717499 Click Here
Public Health and Epidemiology Public Health Social Determinants of Health Marmot 2009 9780191723988 Click Here
Public Health and Epidemiology Epidemiology Social Networks and Health Valente 2010 9780199777051 Click Here
Public Health and Epidemiology Epidemiology Sports Injury Research Verhagen 2010 9780191722479 Click Here
Public Health and Epidemiology Public Health Teaching Epidemiology Olsen 2010 9780191716973 Click Here