ScienceDirect eJournal (Agricultural and Biological Sciences)

Agricultural and Biological Sciences 204 Titles

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NoTitleISSNStatusChange HistoryPreview
1 Acta Ecologica Sinica 18722032 Active   Click Here
2 Acta Oecologica 1146609X Active   Click Here
3 Advances in Small Animal Medicine and Surgery 10417826 Active   Click Here
4 Advances in Water Resources 03091708 Active   Click Here
5 Agri Gene 23522151 Active   Click Here
6 Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 01681923 Active Formerly known as Agricultural Meteorology Click Here
7 Agricultural Systems 0308521X Active   Click Here
8 Agricultural Water Management 03783774 Active   Click Here
9 Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 01678809 Active Incorporating Agriculture and Environment and Agro-Ecosystems Click Here
10 Algal Research 22119264 Active   Click Here
11 Animal Behaviour 00033472 Active Formerly known as The British Journal of Animal Behaviour; Incorporating Animal Behaviour Monographs Click Here
12 Animal Feed Science and Technology 03778401 Active   Click Here
13 Animal Gene 23524065 Forthcoming   Click Here
14 Animal Reproduction Science 03784320 Active   Click Here
15 Annales des Sciences Naturelles - Zoologie et Biologie Animale 00034339 Discontinued Title discontinued as of 2001 Click Here
16 Appetite 01956663 Active   Click Here
17 Applied Animal Behaviour Science 01681591 Active Formerly known as Applied Animal Ethology Click Here
18 Applied Behavioral Science Review 10688595 Discontinued Title discontinued as of 2000 Click Here
19 Applied Geography 01436228 Active   Click Here
20 Applied Soil Ecology 09291393 Active   Click Here
21 Aquacultural Engineering 01448609 Active   Click Here
22 Aquaculture 00448486 Active Incorporating Annual Review of Fish Diseases Click Here
23 Aquatic Botany 03043770 Active   Click Here
24 Aquatic Toxicology 0166445X Active   Click Here
25 Arthropod Structure & Development 14678039 Active Formerly known as International Journal of Insect Morphology and Embryology Click Here
26 Basic and Applied Ecology 14391791 Active   Click Here
27 Behavioural Processes 03766357 Active   Click Here
28 Bioactive Carbohydrates and Dietary Fibre 22126198 Active   Click Here
29 Biocatalysis and Agricultural Biotechnology 18788181 Active   Click Here
30 Biochemical Systematics and Ecology 03051978 Active   Click Here
31 Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Bioenergetics 00052728 Active Formerly part of Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Biophysics including Photosynthesis; Incorporating Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Reviews on Bioenergetics Click Here
32 Biological Conservation 00063207 Active   Click Here
33 Biological Control 10499644 Active   Click Here
34 Biomass and Bioenergy 09619534 Active   Click Here
35 Bioresource Technology 09608524 Active Formerly known as Biological Wastes; Incorporating Energy in Agriculture and Biomass Click Here
36 Bioresource Technology Reports 2589014X Active   Click Here
37 Biosystems 03032647 Active   Click Here
38 Biosystems Engineering 15375110 Active Formerly known as Journal of Agricultural Engineering Research Click Here
39 Carbohydrate Polymers 01448617 Active   Click Here
40 CATENA 03418162 Active   Click Here
41 Chemistry and Physics of Lipids 00093084 Active   Click Here
42 Comparative Immunology, Microbiology and Infectious Diseases 01479571 Active   Click Here
43 Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 01681699 Active   Click Here
44 Continental Shelf Research 02784343 Active   Click Here
45 Crop Protection 02612194 Active   Click Here
46 Cryobiology 00112240 Active   Click Here
47 Current Opinion in Food Science 22147993 Active   Click Here
48 Current Opinion in Insect Science 22145745 Active   Click Here
49 Current Opinion in Plant Biology 13695266 Active   Click Here
50 Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers 09670637 Active Formerly part of Deep Sea Research Part A. Oceanographic Research Papers Click Here
51 Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography 09670645 Active Formerly part of Deep Sea Research Part A. Oceanographic Research Papers Click Here
52 Dendrochronologia 11257865 Active   Click Here
53 Der Zoologische Garten 00445169 Discontinued Title discontinued as of 2018 Click Here
54 Domestic Animal Endocrinology 07397240 Active   Click Here
55 Ecohydrology & Hydrobiology 16423593 Active   Click Here
56 Ecological Complexity 1476945X Active   Click Here
57 Ecological Economics 09218009 Active   Click Here
58 Ecological Engineering 09258574 Active   Click Here
59 Ecological Indicators 1470160X Active   Click Here
60 Ecological Informatics 15749541 Active   Click Here
61 Ecological Modelling 03043800 Active   Click Here
62 Economics & Human Biology 1570677X Active   Click Here
63 Ecosystem Services 22120416 Active   Click Here
64 Environmental and Experimental Botany 00988472 Active Formerly known as Radiation Botany Click Here
65 Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 02727714 Active Formerly known as Estuarine and Coastal Marine Science Click Here
66 European Journal of Agronomy 11610301 Active   Click Here
67 European Journal of Cell Biology 01719335 Active   Click Here
68 European Journal of Protistology 09324739 Active   Click Here
69 European Journal of Soil Biology 11645563 Active   Click Here
70 Evolution and Human Behavior 10905138 Active Formerly known as Ethology and Sociobiology Click Here
71 Experimental and Toxicologic Pathology 09402993 Discontinued Formerly known as Experimental Pathology; Title discontinued as of 2018 Click Here
72 Field Crops Research 03784290 Active   Click Here
73 Field Mycology 14681641 Active   Click Here
74 Fish & Shellfish Immunology 10504648 Active   Click Here
75 Fisheries Research 01657836 Active   Click Here
76 Flora 03672530 Active Formerly known as Flora oder Allgemeine botanische Zeitung. Abt. B, Morphologie und Geobotanik; Click Here
77 Food and Bioproducts Processing 09603085 Active   Click Here
78 Food and Chemical Toxicology 02786915 Active Formerly known as Food and Cosmetics Toxicology Click Here
79 Food Bioscience 22124292 Active   Click Here
80 Food Chemistry 03088146 Active   Click Here
81 Food Control 09567135 Active   Click Here
82 Food Hydrocolloids 0268005X Active   Click Here
83 Food Microbiology 07400020 Active   Click Here
84 Food Packaging and Shelf Life 22142894 Active   Click Here
85 Food Policy 03069192 Active   Click Here
86 Food Quality and Preference 09503293 Active   Click Here
87 Food Research International 09639969 Active Formerly known as Canadian Institute of Food Science and Technology Journal Click Here
88 Food Structure 22133291 Active   Click Here
89 Food Webs 23522496 Active   Click Here
90 Forest Ecology and Management 03781127 Active   Click Here
91 Forest Policy and Economics 13899341 Active   Click Here
92 Fungal Biology 18786146 Active Formerly known as Mycological Research Click Here
93 Fungal Biology Reviews 17494613 Active Formerly known as Mycologist Click Here
94 Fungal Ecology 17545048 Active   Click Here
95 Geochemistry 00092819 Active   Click Here
96 Geoderma 00167061 Active   Click Here
97 Geoderma Regional 23520094 Active   Click Here
98 Global Food Security 22119124 Active   Click Here
99 Harmful Algae 15689883 Active   Click Here
100 Industrial Crops and Products 09266690 Active   Click Here
101 Infection, Genetics and Evolution 15671348 Active   Click Here
102 Innovative Food Science & Emerging Technologies 14668564 Active   Click Here
103 Insect Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 09651748 Active Formerly known as Insect Biochemistry Click Here
104 International Dairy Journal 09586946 Active   Click Here
105 International Journal of Food Microbiology 01681605 Active   Click Here
106 International Journal of Gastronomy and Food Science 1878450X Active   Click Here
107 International Journal of Refrigeration 01407007 Active   Click Here
108 Journal for Nature Conservation 16171381 Active   Click Here
109 Journal of Applied Research on Medicinal and Aromatic Plants 22147861 Active   Click Here
110 Journal of Arid Environments 01401963 Active   Click Here
111 Journal of Asia-Pacific Entomology 12268615 Active   Click Here
112 Journal of Cereal Science 07335210 Active   Click Here
113 Journal of Comparative Pathology 00219975 Active Formerly known as Journal of Comparative Pathology and Therapeutics Click Here
114 Journal of Contaminant Hydrology 01697722 Active   Click Here
115 Journal of Equine Veterinary Science 07370806 Active   Click Here
116 Journal of Exotic Pet Medicine 15575063 Active Formerly known as Seminars in Avian and Exotic Pet Medicine Click Here
117 Journal of Experimental Animal Science 09398600 Discontinued Title discontinued as of 2007 Click Here
118 Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 00220981 Active   Click Here
119 Journal of Food Composition and Analysis 08891575 Active   Click Here
120 Journal of Food Engineering 02608774 Active   Click Here
121 Journal of Functional Foods 17564646 Active   Click Here
122 Journal of Human Evolution 00472484 Active   Click Here
123 Journal of Hydrology 00221694 Active   Click Here
124 Journal of Insect Physiology 00221910 Active   Click Here
125 Journal of Integrative Agriculture 20953119 Active Formerly known as Agricultural Sciences in China Click Here
126 Journal of Invertebrate Pathology 00222011 Active   Click Here
127 Journal of Marine Systems 09247963 Active   Click Here
128 Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior 14994046 Active Formerly known as Journal of Nutrition Behavior Click Here
129 Journal of Outdoor Recreation and Tourism 22130780 Active   Click Here
130 Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology B: Biology 10111344 Active Formerly part of Journal of Photochemistry Click Here
131 Journal of Plant Physiology 01761617 Active Formerly known as Zeitschrift für Pflanzenphysiologie; Incorporating Biochemie und Physiologie der Pflanzen Click Here
132 Journal of Rural Studies 07430167 Active   Click Here
133 Journal of Sea Research 13851101 Active Formerly known as Netherlands Journal of Sea Research Click Here
134 Journal of Stored Products Research 0022474X Active   Click Here
135 Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics 22122672 Active Formerly known as Journal of the American Dietetic Association Click Here
136 Journal of Theoretical Biology 00225193 Active   Click Here
137 Journal of Thermal Biology 03064565 Active   Click Here
138 Journal of Veterinary Behavior 15587878 Active   Click Here
139 Journal of Veterinary Cardiology 17602734 Active   Click Here
140 Land Use Policy 02648377 Active   Click Here
141 Landscape and Urban Planning 01692046 Active Formerly known as Landscape Planning; Incorporating Urban Ecology Click Here
142 L'Année Biologique 00035017 Discontinued Title discontinued as of 2001 Click Here
143 Limnologica 00759511 Active   Click Here
144 Livestock Science 18711413 Active Formerly known as Livestock Production Science Click Here
145 LWT 00236438 Active   Click Here
146 Marine Environmental Research 01411136 Active   Click Here
147 Marine Genomics 18747787 Active   Click Here
148 Marine Models 13699350 Discontinued Title discontinued as of 2003 Click Here
149 Marine Policy 0308597X Active   Click Here
150 Marine Pollution Bulletin 0025326X Active   Click Here
151 Mathematical Biosciences 00255564 Active   Click Here
152 Meat Science 03091740 Active   Click Here
153 Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 10557903 Active   Click Here
154 Molecular Plant 16742052 Active   Click Here
155 Mycoscience 13403540 Active   Click Here
156 NJAS - Wageningen Journal of Life Sciences 15735214 Active   Click Here
157 Ocean Modelling 14635003 Active   Click Here
158 Oceanologica Acta 03991784 Discontinued Title discontinued as of 2004 Click Here
159 Pedobiologia 00314056 Active   Click Here
160 Pedosphere 10020160 Active   Click Here
161 Perspectives in Plant Ecology, Evolution and Systematics 14338319 Active   Click Here
162 Pesticide Biochemistry and Physiology 00483575 Active   Click Here
163 PharmaNutrition 22134344 Active   Click Here
164 Physiological and Molecular Plant Pathology 08855765 Active Formerly known as Physiological Plant Pathology Click Here
165 Phytochemistry 00319422 Active   Click Here
166 Phytochemistry Letters 18743900 Active   Click Here
167 Plant Gene 23524073 Active   Click Here
168 Plant Physiology and Biochemistry 09819428 Active   Click Here
169 Plant Science 01689452 Active Formerly known as Plant Science Letters Click Here
170 Postharvest Biology and Technology 09255214 Active   Click Here
171 Preventive Veterinary Medicine 01675877 Active   Click Here
172 Progress in Lipid Research 01637827 Active Formerly known as Progress in the Chemistry of Fats and other Lipids Click Here
173 Progress in Oceanography 00796611 Active   Click Here
174 Protist 14344610 Active Formerly known as Archiv für Protistenkunde Click Here
175 Regional Studies in Marine Science 23524855 Active   Click Here
176 Reproductive Biology 1642431X Active   Click Here
177 Research in Veterinary Science 00345288 Active   Click Here
178 Rhizosphere 24522198 Active   Click Here
179 Scientia Horticulturae 03044238 Active   Click Here
180 Small Ruminant Research 09214488 Active   Click Here
181 Soil and Tillage Research 01671987 Active Incorporating Soil Technology Click Here
182 Soil Biology and Biochemistry 00380717 Active   Click Here
183 South African Journal of Botany 02546299 Active   Click Here
184 Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 13698486 Active   Click Here
185 Sustainability of Water Quality and Ecology 22126139 Discontinued Title discontinued as of 2018 Click Here
186 Swarm and Evolutionary Computation 22106502 Active   Click Here
187 Systematic and Applied Microbiology 07232020 Active Formerly known as Zentralblatt für Bakteriologie Mikrobiologie und Hygiene: I. Abt. Originale C: Allgemeine, angewandte und ökologische Mikrobiologie Click Here
188 The Veterinary Journal 10900233 Active Formerly known as British Veterinary Journal Click Here
189 Theoretical Population Biology 00405809 Active   Click Here
190 Theriogenology 0093691X Active   Click Here
191 Ticks and Tick-borne Diseases 1877959X Active   Click Here
192 Tissue and Cell 00408166 Active   Click Here
193 Topics in Companion Animal Medicine 19389736 Active Formerly known as Clinical Techniques in Small Animal Practice Click Here
194 Trends in Ecology & Evolution 01695347 Active   Click Here
195 Trends in Food Science & Technology 09242244 Active   Click Here
196 Trends in Plant Science 13601385 Active   Click Here
197 Urban Forestry & Urban Greening 16188667 Active   Click Here
198 Veterinary Immunology and Immunopathology 01652427 Active   Click Here
199 Veterinary Microbiology 03781135 Active   Click Here
200 Veterinary Parasitology 03044017 Active   Click Here
201 Water Resources and Economics 22124284 Active   Click Here
202 Water Resources and Rural Development 22126082 Discontinued Title discontinued as of 2018 Click Here
203 Zoologischer Anzeiger 00445231 Active   Click Here
204 Zoology 09442006 Active   Click Here