ScienceDirect eJournal (Engineering)

Engineering 245 Titles

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NoTitleISSNStatusChange HistoryPreview
1 Accident Analysis & Prevention 00014575 Active   Click Here
2 Acta Astronautica 00945765 Active   Click Here
3 Acta Mechanica Solida Sinica 08949166 Transferred Transferred back to the society as of 2018 Click Here
4 Ad Hoc Networks 15708705 Active   Click Here
5 Additive Manufacturing 22148604 Active   Click Here
6 Advanced Engineering Informatics 14740346 Active Formerly known as Artificial Intelligence in Engineering Click Here
7 Advances in Engineering Software 09659978 Active Formerly known as Advances in Engineering Software and Workstations; Incorporating Computing Systems in Engineering Click Here
8 Aerospace Science and Technology 12709638 Active   Click Here
9 AEU - International Journal of Electronics and Communications 14348411 Active   Click Here
10 Air & Space Europe 12900958 Discontinued Title discontinued as of 2002 Click Here
11 Aircraft Design 13698869 Discontinued Title discontinued as of 2002 Click Here
12 Analytic Methods in Accident Research 22136657 Active   Click Here
13 Annual Reviews in Control 13675788 Active Formerly known as Annual Review in Automatic Programming Click Here
14 Applied Acoustics 0003682X Active   Click Here
15 Applied Clay Science 01691317 Active   Click Here
16 Applied Energy 03062619 Active   Click Here
17 Applied Ergonomics 00036870 Active   Click Here
18 Applied Mathematical Modelling 0307904X Active   Click Here
19 Applied Mathematics Letters 08939659 Active   Click Here
20 Applied Ocean Research 01411187 Active   Click Here
21 Applied Soft Computing 15684946 Active   Click Here
22 Applied Superconductivity 09641807 Discontinued Title discontinued as of 2000 Click Here
23 Applied Thermal Engineering 13594311 Active Formerly known as Heat Recovery Systems and CHP Click Here
24 Artificial Intelligence 00043702 Active   Click Here
25 Automatica 00051098 Active   Click Here
26 Automation in Construction 09265805 Active   Click Here
27 Biocybernetics and Biomedical Engineering 02085216 Active   Click Here
28 Biomaterials 01429612 Active Incorporating Clinical Materials Click Here
29 Biomedical Signal Processing and Control 17468094 Active   Click Here
30 Bioprinting 24058866 Active   Click Here
31 Biosensors and Bioelectronics 09565663 Active Formerly known as Biosensors Click Here
32 Biosystems Engineering 15375110 Active Formerly known as Journal of Agricultural Engineering Research Click Here
33 Biotribology 23525738 Active   Click Here
34 Building and Environment 03601323 Active Formerly known as Building Science Click Here
35 Case Studies on Transport Policy 2213624X Active   Click Here
36 Cement and Concrete Composites 09589465 Active Formerly known as International Journal of Cement Composites and Lightweight Concrete Click Here
37 Cement and Concrete Research 00088846 Active Incorporating Advanced Cement Based Materials Click Here
38 CIRP Annals 00078506 Active   Click Here
39 CIRP Journal of Manufacturing Science and Technology 17555817 Active   Click Here
40 Coastal Engineering 03783839 Active   Click Here
41 Combustion and Flame 00102180 Active   Click Here
42 Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation 10075704 Active   Click Here
43 Composite Structures 02638223 Active   Click Here
44 Composites Part B: Engineering 13598368 Active Formerly known as Composites Engineering Click Here
45 Composites Science and Technology 02663538 Active Formerly known as Fibre Science and Technology Click Here
46 Computational Materials Science 09270256 Active   Click Here
47 Computational Statistics & Data Analysis 01679473 Active   Click Here
48 Computer Communications 01403664 Active   Click Here
49 Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 00457825 Active   Click Here
50 Computer Networks 13891286 Active Formerly known as Computer Networks and ISDN Systems Click Here
51 Computer Speech & Language 08852308 Active   Click Here
52 Computer Vision and Image Understanding 10773142 Active Formerly known as CVGIP: Image Understanding Click Here
53 Computer-Aided Design 00104485 Active   Click Here
54 Computers & Chemical Engineering 00981354 Active   Click Here
55 Computers & Electrical Engineering 00457906 Active   Click Here
56 Computers & Fluids 00457930 Active   Click Here
57 Computers & Industrial Engineering 03608352 Active   Click Here
58 Computers & Mathematics with Applications 08981221 Active   Click Here
59 Computers & Structures 00457949 Active   Click Here
60 Computers and Geotechnics 0266352X Active   Click Here
61 Computers in Industry 01663615 Active   Click Here
62 Construction and Building Materials 09500618 Active   Click Here
63 Control Engineering Practice 09670661 Active   Click Here
64 Current Opinion in Biomedical Engineering 24684511 Active   Click Here
65 Data & Knowledge Engineering 0169023X Active   Click Here
66 Desalination 00119164 Active   Click Here
67 Design Studies 0142694X Active   Click Here
68 Diamond and Related Materials 09259635 Active   Click Here
69 Digital Signal Processing 10512004 Active   Click Here
70 Displays 01419382 Active   Click Here
71 Electric Power Systems Research 03787796 Active   Click Here
72 Energy and Buildings 03787788 Active   Click Here
73 Energy Conversion and Management 01968904 Active Formerly known as Energy Conversion Click Here
74 Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements 09557997 Active Formerly known as Engineering Analysis Click Here
75 Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence 09521976 Active   Click Here
76 Engineering Failure Analysis 13506307 Active   Click Here
77 Engineering Fracture Mechanics 00137944 Active   Click Here
78 Engineering Structures 01410296 Active   Click Here
79 eTransportation 25901168 Active   Click Here
80 European Journal of Control 09473580 Active   Click Here
81 European Journal of Mechanics - A/Solids 09977538 Active   Click Here
82 European Journal of Mechanics - B/Fluids 09977546 Active   Click Here
83 Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science 08941777 Active   Click Here
84 Expert Systems with Applications 09574174 Active   Click Here
85 Extreme Mechanics Letters 23524316 Active   Click Here
86 Finite Elements in Analysis and Design 0168874X Active   Click Here
87 Fire Safety Journal 03797112 Active   Click Here
88 Flow Measurement and Instrumentation 09555986 Active   Click Here
89 Fusion Engineering and Design 09203796 Active Formerly known as Nuclear Engineering and Design. Fusion Click Here
90 Fuzzy Sets and Systems 01650114 Active   Click Here
91 Geomechanics for Energy and the Environment 23523808 Active   Click Here
92 Geotextiles and Geomembranes 02661144 Active   Click Here
93 IFAC Journal of Systems and Control 24686018 Active   Click Here
94 Image and Vision Computing 02628856 Active   Click Here
95 Information Fusion 15662535 Active   Click Here
96 Information Sciences 00200255 Active Incorporating Information Sciences - Applications Click Here
97 Integration 01679260 Active   Click Here
98 International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer 07351933 Active Formerly known as Letters in Heat and Mass Transfer Click Here
99 International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives 01437496 Active   Click Here
100 International Journal of Approximate Reasoning 0888613X Active   Click Here
101 International Journal of Critical Infrastructure Protection 18745482 Active   Click Here
102 International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems 01420615 Active   Click Here
103 International Journal of Engineering Science 00207225 Active   Click Here
104 International Journal of Fatigue 01421123 Active   Click Here
105 International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow 0142727X Active   Click Here
106 International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 00179310 Active   Click Here
107 International Journal of Human-Computer Studies 10715819 Active Formerly known as International Journal of Man-Machine Studies; Incorporating Knowledge Acquisition Click Here
108 International Journal of Impact Engineering 0734743X Active   Click Here
109 International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics 01698141 Active   Click Here
110 International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture 08906955 Active Formerly known as International Journal of Machine Tool Design and Research Click Here
111 International Journal of Marine Energy 22141669 Discontinued Title discontinued as of 2018 Click Here
112 International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 00207403 Active   Click Here
113 International Journal of Multiphase Flow 03019322 Active   Click Here
114 International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics 00207462 Active   Click Here
115 International Journal of Plasticity 07496419 Active   Click Here
116 International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping 03080161 Active   Click Here
117 International Journal of Production Economics 09255273 Active Formerly known as Engineering Costs and Production Economics Click Here
118 International Journal of Project Management 02637863 Active   Click Here
119 International Journal of Refrigeration 01407007 Active   Click Here
120 International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences 13651609 Active Formerly known as International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences & Geomechanics Abstracts Click Here
121 International Journal of Solids and Structures 00207683 Active   Click Here
122 International Journal of Thermal Sciences 12900729 Active Formerly known as Revue Générale de Thermique Click Here
123 Internet of Things 25426605 Active   Click Here
124 IRBM 19590318 Active Formerly known as ITBM-RBM Click Here
125 IRBM News 19597568 Active Formerly known as ITBM-RBM News Click Here
126 ISA Transactions 00190578 Active   Click Here
127 Journal of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics 00218928 Discontinued Title discontinued as of 2018 Click Here
128 Journal of Biomechanics 00219290 Active   Click Here
129 Journal of Bionic Engineering 16726529 Transferred Transferred back to the society as of 2018 Click Here
130 Journal of Building Engineering 23527102 Active   Click Here
131 Journal of Constructional Steel Research 0143974X Active   Click Here
132 Journal of Electrostatics 03043886 Active   Click Here
133 Journal of Energy Storage 2352152X Active   Click Here
134 Journal of Fluids and Structures 08899746 Active   Click Here
135 Journal of Hydrodynamics, Ser. B 10016058 Transferred Transferred back to the society as of 2018 Click Here
136 Journal of Immunology and Regenerative Medicine 24684988 Active   Click Here
137 Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries 09504230 Active   Click Here
138 Journal of Manufacturing Processes 15266125 Active   Click Here
139 Journal of Manufacturing Systems 02786125 Active   Click Here
140 Journal of Materials Processing Technology 09240136 Active Formerly known as Journal of Mechanical Working Technology Click Here
141 Journal of Network and Computer Applications 10848045 Active Formerly known as Journal of Microcomputer Applications Click Here
142 Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics 03770257 Active   Click Here
143 Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing 07437315 Active   Click Here
144 Journal of Process Control 09591524 Active   Click Here
145 Journal of Rail Transport Planning & Management 22109706 Active   Click Here
146 Journal of Safety Research 00224375 Active   Click Here
147 Journal of Sound and Vibration 0022460X Active   Click Here
148 Journal of Space Safety Engineering 24688967 Active   Click Here
149 Journal of Systems Architecture 13837621 Active Formerly known as Microprocessing and Microprogramming Click Here
150 Journal of Terramechanics 00224898 Active   Click Here
151 Journal of the Franklin Institute 00160032 Active   Click Here
152 Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials 17516161 Active   Click Here
153 Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 00225096 Active   Click Here
154 Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation 10473203 Active   Click Here
155 Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics 01676105 Active   Click Here
156 Knowledge-Based Systems 09507051 Active   Click Here
157 Manufacturing Letters 22138463 Active   Click Here
158 Marine Policy 0308597X Active   Click Here
159 Marine Structures 09518339 Active   Click Here
160 Materials & Design 02641275 Active Formerly known as Materials & Design (1980-2015) Click Here
161 Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing 13698001 Active   Click Here
162 Materials Today 13697021 Active   Click Here
163 Mathematical and Computer Modelling 08957177 Discontinued Formerly known as Mathematical Modelling; Title discontinued as of 2014 Click Here
164 Mathematics and Computers in Simulation 03784754 Active   Click Here
165 Measurement 02632241 Active Incorporating Industrial Metrology Click Here
166 Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing 08883270 Active   Click Here
167 Mechanics of Materials 01676636 Active   Click Here
168 Mechanics Research Communications 00936413 Active   Click Here
169 Mechanism and Machine Theory 0094114X Active Formerly known as Journal of Mechanisms Click Here
170 Mechatronics 09574158 Active   Click Here
171 Medical Engineering & Physics 13504533 Active Formerly known as Journal of Biomedical Engineering Click Here
172 Medical Image Analysis 13618415 Active   Click Here
173 Methods in Oceanography 22111220 Discontinued Title discontinued as of 2017 Click Here
174 Microelectronic Engineering 01679317 Active   Click Here
175 Microelectronics Journal 00262692 Active   Click Here
176 Microelectronics Reliability 00262714 Active   Click Here
177 Microprocessors and Microsystems 01419331 Active Formerly known as Microprocessors Click Here
178 Nano Communication Networks 18787789 Active   Click Here
179 Nano Today 17480132 Active   Click Here
180 Nanomedicine: Nanotechnology, Biology and Medicine 15499634 Active   Click Here
181 NDT & E International 09638695 Active Formerly known as NDT International Click Here
182 Neural Networks 08936080 Active   Click Here
183 Nonlinear Analysis 0362546X Active   Click Here
184 Nonlinear Analysis: Hybrid Systems 1751570X Active   Click Here
185 Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Applications 14681218 Active   Click Here
186 Nuclear Engineering and Design 00295493 Active Formerly known as Nuclear Structural Engineering Click Here
187 Ocean & Coastal Management 09645691 Active Formerly known as Ocean and Shoreline Management Click Here
188 Ocean Engineering 00298018 Active   Click Here
189 Online Social Networks and Media 24686964 Active   Click Here
190 Optical Fiber Technology 10685200 Active   Click Here
191 Optical Switching and Networking 15734277 Active   Click Here
192 Optics & Laser Technology 00303992 Active Formerly known as Optics Technology Click Here
193 Optics and Lasers in Engineering 01438166 Active   Click Here
194 Optik 00304026 Active   Click Here
195 Parallel Computing 01678191 Active   Click Here
196 Pattern Recognition 00313203 Active   Click Here
197 Pattern Recognition Letters 01678655 Active   Click Here
198 Pervasive and Mobile Computing 15741192 Active   Click Here
199 Philips Journal of Research 01655817 Discontinued Title discontinued as of 1999 Click Here
200 Polymer Gels and Networks 09667822 Discontinued Title discontinued as of 1999 Click Here
201 Precision Engineering 01416359 Active   Click Here
202 Probabilistic Engineering Mechanics 02668920 Active   Click Here
203 Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 15407489 Active Formerly known as Symposium (International) on Combustion Click Here
204 Progress in Aerospace Sciences 03760421 Active   Click Here
205 Progress in Energy and Combustion Science 03601285 Active   Click Here
206 Real-Time Imaging 10772014 Discontinued Title discontinued as of 2006 Click Here
207 Reliability Engineering & System Safety 09518320 Active Formerly known as Reliability Engineering Click Here
208 Renewable Energy 09601481 Active Incorporating Solar & Wind Technology Click Here
209 Revue Générale des Chemins de Fer 00353183 Discontinued Title discontinued as of 2000 Click Here
210 Robotics and Autonomous Systems 09218890 Active Formerly known as Robotics Click Here
211 Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing 07365845 Active Incorporating Computer Integrated Manufacturing Systems Click Here
212 Safety Science 09257535 Active Formerly known as Journal of Occupational Accidents Click Here
213 Science Bulletin 20959273 Active   Click Here
214 Sensors and Actuators A: Physical 09244247 Active Formerly part of Sensors and Actuators Click Here
215 Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical 09254005 Active Formerly part of Sensors and Actuators Click Here
216 Signal Processing 01651684 Active   Click Here
217 Signal Processing: Image Communication 09235965 Active   Click Here
218 Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory 1569190X Active Formerly known as Simulation Practice and Theory Click Here
219 Soil and Tillage Research 01671987 Active Incorporating Soil Technology Click Here
220 Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 02677261 Active Formerly known as International Journal of Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering Click Here
221 Solid-State Electronics 00381101 Active   Click Here
222 Speech Communication 01676393 Active   Click Here
223 Structural Safety 01674730 Active   Click Here
224 Structures 23520124 Active   Click Here
225 Sustainable Cities and Society 22106707 Active   Click Here
226 Sustainable Energy, Grids and Networks 23524677 Active   Click Here
227 Sustainable Materials and Technologies 22149937 Active   Click Here
228 Sustainable Production and Consumption 23525509 Active   Click Here
229 Swarm and Evolutionary Computation 22106502 Active   Click Here
230 Systems & Control Letters 01676911 Active   Click Here
231 Systems Engineering - Theory & Practice 18748651 Discontinued Title discontinued as of 2010 Click Here
232 The Electricity Journal 10406190 Active   Click Here
233 Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics 01678442 Active   Click Here
234 Thermal Science and Engineering Progress 24519049 Active   Click Here
235 Thin-Walled Structures 02638231 Active   Click Here
236 Transportation Geotechnics 22143912 Active   Click Here
237 Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice 09658564 Active Formerly known as Transportation Research Part A: General Click Here
238 Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies 0968090X Active   Click Here
239 Tribology International 0301679X Active Formerly known as Tribology Click Here
240 Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology 08867798 Active   Click Here
241 Vehicular Communications 22142096 Active   Click Here
242 Wear 00431648 Active   Click Here
243 World Patent Information 01722190 Active   Click Here
244 World Pumps 02621762 Active   Click Here
245 Zeitschrift für Medizinische Physik 09393889 Active   Click Here