ScienceDirect eJournal (Social Sciences)

Social Sciences 243 Titles

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NoTitleISSNStatusChange HistoryURL
1 Accident Analysis & Prevention 00014575 Active   Click Here
2 Accounting, Organizations and Society 03613682 Active   Click Here
3 Advances in Life Course Research 10402608 Active   Click Here
4 Aggression and Violent Behavior 13591789 Active   Click Here
5 Alcohol 07418329 Active   Click Here
6 Alter 18750672 Active   Click Here
7 Analytic Methods in Accident Research 22136657 Active   Click Here
8 Annales des Ponts et Chaussées 01529668 Discontinued Title discontinued as of 2003 Click Here
9 Annals of Tourism Research 01607383 Active   Click Here
10 Applied Ergonomics 00036870 Active   Click Here
11 Applied Geography 01436228 Active   Click Here
12 Archaeological Research in Asia 23522267 Active   Click Here
13 Assessing Writing 10752935 Active   Click Here
14 Brain and Language 0093934X Active   Click Here
15 Case Studies on Transport Policy 2213624X Active   Click Here
16 Child Abuse & Neglect 01452134 Active   Click Here
17 Children and Youth Services Review 01907409 Active   Click Here
18 China Population, Resources and Environment 1872583X Discontinued Title discontinued as of 2010 Click Here
19 Cities 02642751 Active   Click Here
20 City, Culture and Society 18779166 Active   Click Here
21 Cognition 00100277 Active   Click Here
22 Cognitive Psychology 00100285 Active   Click Here
23 Computer Law & Security Review 02673649 Active   Click Here
24 Computer Speech & Language 08852308 Active   Click Here
25 Computers & Education 03601315 Active   Click Here
26 Computers & Operations Research 03050548 Active Incorporating Location Science and Surveys in Operations Research and Management Science Click Here
27 Computers and Composition 87554615 Active   Click Here
28 Computers in Human Behavior 07475632 Active   Click Here
29 Computers, Environment and Urban Systems 01989715 Active Formerly known as Urban Systems Click Here
30 Contemporary Educational Psychology 0361476X Active   Click Here
31 Critical Perspectives on Accounting 10452354 Active   Click Here
32 Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability 18773435 Active   Click Here
33 Currents in Pharmacy Teaching and Learning 18771297 Active   Click Here
34 Dendrochronologia 11257865 Active   Click Here
35 Developmental Review 02732297 Active   Click Here
36 Digital Applications in Archaeology and Cultural Heritage 22120548 Active   Click Here
37 Discourse, Context & Media 22116958 Active   Click Here
38 Displays 01419382 Active   Click Here
39 Drug and Alcohol Dependence 03768716 Active   Click Here
40 Early Childhood Research Quarterly 08852006 Active   Click Here
41 Economics & Human Biology 1570677X Active   Click Here
42 Economics of Education Review 02727757 Active   Click Here
43 Economics of Transportation 22120122 Active   Click Here
44 Ecosystem Services 22120416 Active   Click Here
45 Education for Chemical Engineers 17497728 Active   Click Here
46 Educational Research Review 1747938X Active   Click Here
47 Electoral Studies 02613794 Active   Click Here
48 Emotion, Space and Society 17554586 Active   Click Here
49 Endeavour 01609327 Active   Click Here
50 Energy for Sustainable Development 09730826 Active   Click Here
51 Energy Policy 03014215 Active   Click Here
52 Energy Research & Social Science 22146296 Active   Click Here
53 English for Specific Purposes 08894906 Active Formerly known as The ESP Journal Click Here
54 Environmental Impact Assessment Review 01959255 Active   Click Here
55 Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions 22104224 Active   Click Here
56 Environmental Science & Policy 14629011 Active   Click Here
57 Ethics, Medicine and Public Health 23525525 Active   Click Here
58 Evaluation and Program Planning 01497189 Active   Click Here
59 Explorations in Economic History 00144983 Active   Click Here
60 Food Policy 03069192 Active   Click Here
61 Forensic Science International 03790738 Active Formerly known as Forensic Science Click Here
62 Forensic Science International Supplement Series 18751741 Active   Click Here
63 Forensic Science International: Genetics 18724973 Active   Click Here
64 Forensic Science International: Genetics Supplement Series 18751768 Active   Click Here
65 Forest Policy and Economics 13899341 Active   Click Here
66 Futures 00163287 Active   Click Here
67 Geoforum 00167185 Active   Click Here
68 Global Environmental Change 09593780 Active   Click Here
69 Global Food Security 22119124 Active   Click Here
70 Government Information Quarterly 0740624X Active Incorporating Journal of Government Information Click Here
71 Habitat International 01973975 Active   Click Here
72 Health & Place 13538292 Active   Click Here
73 Health Outcomes Research in Medicine 18771319 Discontinued Title discontinued as of 2014 Click Here
74 Historia Mathematica 03150860 Active   Click Here
75 Human Movement Science 01679457 Active   Click Here
76 Information and Organization 14717727 Active Formerly known as Accounting, Management and Information Technologies Click Here
77 Information Processing & Management 03064573 Active Formerly known as Information Storage and Retrieval Click Here
78 International Journal of Critical Infrastructure Protection 18745482 Active   Click Here
79 International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction 22124209 Active   Click Here
80 International Journal of Drug Policy 09553959 Active   Click Here
81 International Journal of Educational Development 07380593 Active   Click Here
82 International Journal of Educational Research 08830355 Active Formerly known as Evaluation in Education Click Here
83 International Journal of Gastronomy and Food Science 1878450X Active   Click Here
84 International Journal of Human-Computer Studies 10715819 Active Formerly known as International Journal of Man-Machine Studies; Incorporating Knowledge Acquisition Click Here
85 International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics 01698141 Active   Click Here
86 International Journal of Information Management 02684012 Active Formerly known as Social Science Information Studies Click Here
87 International Journal of Intercultural Relations 01471767 Active   Click Here
88 International Journal of Law and Psychiatry 01602527 Active   Click Here
89 International Journal of Law, Crime and Justice 17560616 Active Formerly known as International Journal of the Sociology of Law Click Here
90 International Journal of Nursing Studies 00207489 Active   Click Here
91 International Journal of Paleopathology 18799817 Active   Click Here
92 International Journal of Transport Management 14714051 Discontinued Title discontinued as of 2005 Click Here
93 International Review of Economics Education 14773880 Active   Click Here
94 International Review of Law and Economics 01448188 Active   Click Here
95 Journal of Accounting and Public Policy 02784254 Active   Click Here
96 Journal of Accounting Education 07485751 Active   Click Here
97 Journal of Adolescent Health 1054139X Active Formerly known as Journal of Adolescent Health Care Click Here
98 Journal of Aging Studies 08904065 Active   Click Here
99 Journal of Air Transport Management 09696997 Active   Click Here
100 Journal of Anesthesia History 23524529 Active Formerly known as Bulletin of Anesthesia History Click Here
101 Journal of Anthropological Archaeology 02784165 Active   Click Here
102 Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology 01933973 Active   Click Here
103 Journal of Archaeological Science 03054403 Active   Click Here
104 Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 2352409X Active   Click Here
105 Journal of Choice Modelling 17555345 Active   Click Here
106 Journal of Clinical Epidemiology 08954356 Active Formerly known as Journal of Chronic Diseases Click Here
107 Journal of Communication Disorders 00219924 Active   Click Here
108 Journal of Criminal Justice 00472352 Active   Click Here
109 Journal of Cultural Heritage 12962074 Active   Click Here
110 Journal of Destination Marketing & Management 2212571X Active   Click Here
111 Journal of Development Economics 03043878 Active   Click Here
112 Journal of English for Academic Purposes 14751585 Active   Click Here
113 Journal of Environmental Management 03014797 Active Incorporating Advances in Environmental Research Click Here
114 Journal of Environmental Psychology 02724944 Active   Click Here
115 Journal of Fluency Disorders 0094730X Active   Click Here
116 Journal of Forensic and Legal Medicine 1752928X Active Formerly known as Journal of Clinical Forensic Medicine Click Here
117 Journal of Health Economics 01676296 Active   Click Here
118 Journal of Historical Geography 03057488 Active   Click Here
119 Journal of Information Security and Applications 22142126 Active Formerly known as Information Security Technical Report Click Here
120 Journal of Informetrics 17511577 Active   Click Here
121 Journal of Memory and Language 0749596X Active Formerly known as Journal of Verbal Learning and Verbal Behavior Click Here
122 Journal of Neurolinguistics 09116044 Active   Click Here
123 Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior 14994046 Active Formerly known as Journal of Nutrition Behavior Click Here
124 Journal of Outdoor Recreation and Tourism 22130780 Active   Click Here
125 Journal of Phonetics 00954470 Active   Click Here
126 Journal of Pragmatics 03782166 Active   Click Here
127 Journal of Rail Transport Planning & Management 22109706 Active   Click Here
128 Journal of Rural Studies 07430167 Active   Click Here
129 Journal of Safety Research 00224375 Active   Click Here
130 Journal of School Psychology 00224405 Active   Click Here
131 Journal of Second Language Writing 10603743 Active   Click Here
132 Journal of Social and Evolutionary Systems 10617361 Discontinued Formerly known as Journal of Social and Biological Structures; Title discontinued as of 1999 Click Here
133 Journal of Space Safety Engineering 24688967 Active   Click Here
134 Journal of Transport & Health 22141405 Active   Click Here
135 Journal of Transport Geography 09666923 Active   Click Here
136 Journal of Urban Economics 00941190 Active   Click Here
137 Journal of Voice 08921997 Active   Click Here
138 Land Use Policy 02648377 Active   Click Here
139 Landscape and Urban Planning 01692046 Active Formerly known as Landscape Planning; Incorporating Urban Ecology Click Here
140 Language & Communication 02715309 Active   Click Here
141 Language Sciences 03880001 Active   Click Here
142 L'Anthropologie 00035521 Active   Click Here
143 Learning and Individual Differences 10416080 Active   Click Here
144 Learning and Instruction 09594752 Active   Click Here
145 Learning, Culture and Social Interaction 22106561 Active   Click Here
146 Legal Medicine 13446223 Active   Click Here
147 Library & Information Science Research 07408188 Active   Click Here
148 Lingua 00243841 Active   Click Here
149 Linguistics and Education 08985898 Active   Click Here
150 Marine Policy 0308597X Active   Click Here
151 Médecine & Droit 12467391 Active   Click Here
152 Midwifery 02666138 Active   Click Here
153 Nurse Education in Practice 14715953 Active   Click Here
154 Nurse Education Today 02606917 Active   Click Here
155 Obesity Medicine 24518476 Active   Click Here
156 Orbis 00304387 Active   Click Here
157 Organizational Dynamics 00902616 Active   Click Here
158 Performance Enhancement & Health 22112669 Active   Click Here
159 Poetics 0304422X Active   Click Here
160 Political Geography 09626298 Active Formerly known as Political Geography Quarterly Click Here
161 Progress in Planning 03059006 Active   Click Here
162 Psychology of Sport and Exercise 14690292 Active   Click Here
163 Public Health 00333506 Active   Click Here
164 Public Relations Review 03638111 Active   Click Here
165 Quaternary International 10406182 Active   Click Here
166 Race and Society 10909524 Discontinued Title discontinued as of 2006 Click Here
167 Recherche - Transports - Sécurité 07618980 Discontinued Title discontinued as of 2004 Click Here
168 Regional Science and Urban Economics 01660462 Active Formerly known as Regional and Urban Economics Click Here
169 Reliability Engineering & System Safety 09518320 Active Formerly known as Reliability Engineering Click Here
170 Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders 17509467 Active   Click Here
171 Research in Developmental Disabilities 08914222 Active Incorporating Analysis and Intervention in Developmental Disabilities and Applied Research in Mental Retardation Click Here
172 Research in Social Stratification and Mobility 02765624 Active   Click Here
173 Research in Transportation Business & Management 22105395 Active   Click Here
174 Research in Transportation Economics 07398859 Active   Click Here
175 Research Strategies 07343310 Discontinued Title discontinued as of 2006 Click Here
176 Resources Policy 03014207 Active   Click Here
177 Resources, Conservation and Recycling 09213449 Active Incorporating Conservation & Recycling and Resources and Conservation Click Here
178 Revista de Psicodidáctica (English ed.) 25303805 Active   Click Here
179 Revue Générale des Chemins de Fer 00353183 Discontinued Title discontinued as of 2000 Click Here
180 Russian Literature 03043479 Active   Click Here
181 Safety Science 09257535 Active Formerly known as Journal of Occupational Accidents Click Here
182 Sauvegarde de l'Enfance 00365041 Discontinued Title discontinued as of 2004 Click Here
183 Science & Justice 13550306 Active Formerly known as Journal Forensic Science Society Click Here
184 Social Networks 03788733 Active   Click Here
185 Social Science & Medicine 02779536 Active Incorporating Social Science & Medicine. Part A: Medical Psychology & Medical Sociology, Social Science & Medicine. Part B: Medical Anthropology, Social Science & Medicine. Part C: Medical Economics, Social Science & Medicine. Part D: Medical Geography, S Click Here
186 Social Science Research 0049089X Active   Click Here
187 Space Policy 02659646 Active   Click Here
188 Spatial and Spatio-temporal Epidemiology 18775845 Active   Click Here
189 Spatial Statistics 22116753 Active   Click Here
190 Speech Communication 01676393 Active   Click Here
191 Sport Management Review 14413523 Active   Click Here
192 Studies in Educational Evaluation 0191491X Active   Click Here
193 Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 00393681 Active   Click Here
194 Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 13552198 Active   Click Here
195 Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 13698486 Active   Click Here
196 Sustainability of Water Quality and Ecology 22126139 Discontinued Title discontinued as of 2018 Click Here
197 Sustainable Cities and Society 22106707 Active   Click Here
198 System 0346251X Active   Click Here
199 Teaching and Teacher Education 0742051X Active   Click Here
200 Technology in Society 0160791X Active   Click Here
201 Telecommunications Policy 03085961 Active   Click Here
202 Telematics and Informatics 07365853 Active   Click Here
203 The Arts in Psychotherapy 01974556 Active Formerly known as Art Psychotherapy Click Here
204 The Electricity Journal 10406190 Active   Click Here
205 The Extractive Industries and Society 2214790X Active   Click Here
206 The Foundation Years 17441889 Discontinued Title discontinued as of 2009 Click Here
207 The International Journal of Management Education 14728117 Active   Click Here
208 The Internet and Higher Education 10967516 Active   Click Here
209 The Journal of Academic Librarianship 00991333 Active   Click Here
210 The Journal of Mathematical Behavior 07323123 Active   Click Here
211 The Journal of Social Studies Research 0885985X Active   Click Here
212 The Journal of the Economics of Ageing 2212828X Active   Click Here
213 The Leadership Quarterly 10489843 Active   Click Here
214 Thinking Skills and Creativity 18711871 Active   Click Here
215 Tourism Management 02615177 Active Formerly known as International Journal of Tourism Management Click Here
216 Transfusion Clinique et Biologique 12467820 Active Formerly known as Revue Française de Transfusion et d'Hémobiologie Click Here
217 Transport Policy 0967070X Active   Click Here
218 Transportation Geotechnics 22143912 Active   Click Here
219 Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice 09658564 Active Formerly known as Transportation Research Part A: General Click Here
220 Transportation Research Part B: Methodological 01912615 Active Formerly part of Transportation Research Click Here
221 Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies 0968090X Active   Click Here
222 Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment 13619209 Active   Click Here
223 Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review 13665545 Active   Click Here
224 Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour 13698478 Active   Click Here
225 Travel Behaviour and Society 2214367X Active   Click Here
226 Trends in Cognitive Sciences 13646613 Active   Click Here
227 Trends in Ecology & Evolution 01695347 Active   Click Here
228 Urban Climate 22120955 Active   Click Here
229 Urban Forestry & Urban Greening 16188667 Active   Click Here
230 Urban Water 14620758 Discontinued Title discontinued as of 2003 Click Here
231 Utilities Policy 09571787 Active   Click Here
232 Value in Health 10983015 Active   Click Here
233 Value in Health Regional Issues 22121099 Active   Click Here
234 Vehicular Communications 22142096 Active   Click Here
235 Water Resources and Rural Development 22126082 Discontinued Title discontinued as of 2018 Click Here
236 Water Security 24683124 Active   Click Here
237 Women's Health Issues 10493867 Active   Click Here
238 Women's Health Medicine 17441870 Discontinued Title discontinued as of 2007 Click Here
239 Women's Studies International Forum 02775395 Active Formerly known as Women's Studies International Quarterly Click Here
240 World Development 0305750X Active   Click Here
241 World Development Perspectives 24522929 Active   Click Here
242 World Patent Information 01722190 Active   Click Here
243 Zeitschrift für Evidenz, Fortbildung und Qualität im Gesundheitswesen 18659217 Active Formerly known as Zeitschrift für ärztliche Fortbildung und Qualität im Gesundheitswesen Click Here